February 11, 2025



Steroids – A Genuine Hazard For Health

When I was a child, I used to astonish over the attractive body of body builders. I aspire to have the same body but with the passage of time, I came to know about the ugly truths of steroids and their misuses. When I started weight lifting, my instructor advised me to use buy injectable steroids online with credit card. I am not in the habit of using any thing without scrutinizing its pros and cons. So I decided to made a research over steroids and at the end, find some ugly truths of steroids and its side effects as well which I would like to share with you.

Steroids are actually stimulants which increase the testosterone in the male body and as a result, a man has strong and bleak muscles with extra power. That is why; it is strongly utilized by bodybuilders and athletes without observing ugly truths of steroids.

The major side effects caused by steroids are different in all sexes. Steroids cause baldness, decrement in sperms; quality and quantity, and acne problem in males. Due to extra power, man inclines to commit severe crimes like physical fight and burglary in order to show his energy. Similarly, in women, steroids cause facial and body hair problem, and lessen the breast size. It is life threatening for children and adults because it decreases genetic power. These are only some ugly truths of steroids. Other physical side effects involve liver and cardiovascular disorders. Some psychological side effects include anxiety, frustration, depression and maniac attacks.

Another thing that revealed upon me was that it is a medicine but people use it as a drug which generates some abnormalities at physical and psychological level. It is a crime to possess it without any prescription of doctor or particular certificate. However, some countries like Thailand and Mexico allow its trading and manufacturing at government level as well. After going through these ugly truths of steroids, I decided to prohibit my self from its use. It is better to have a healthy rather than stylish physic.