February 11, 2025



Fold Your Way to Winning Online Poker

It turns out that the #1 cause of losing in https://labmis.kku.ac.th/images/judi-deposit-pulsa/ is simply not folding. Therefore; the first, most basic, skill in poker is folding. If you said, “no duh, yea I know that” then go let’s see if you do. The purpose of this article is to begin to teach you how to be nothing more than a winning poker player. What’s a “winning poker player”? It’s a player who can make a profit consistently.

Any idiot can win at poker (for a short while), but that’s not the same as being a “winning poker player”. At the end of the week the “winning poker player” has made money. At the end of the month they have made money. The difference is that a “winning poker player” doesn’t crash and burn. This article teaches the key skill of folding.

Folding is the most overlooked skill by the majority of players. They can’t fold. They won’t fold. They find reasons to play when they should be finding reasons to fold. They think and then re-think, they try to read minds. They play pure position plays and think they can steal pots after the flop with any two cards. They think folding will make them look weak in the eyes of their opponents. It deflates their ego. They think they are poker geniuses. They are actually action junkies. These guys are going to be your new best friends, because they are going to make your mortgage payments for you.

The main reason people don’t fold is because they want to play. They see each poker “session” as a thing that has a start and a finish. If they are going to play for only one hour then they want to play some hands during that hour. YOU, on the other hand, are going to understand that your poker career is One Big Never Ending Poker Session. If you sit down to play for an hour and you don’t have any situations, cards and scenarios where you should play, then you won’t play. You will fold for an hour, turn off the computer and know you did your job!! If you want to play a game for fun, play Monopoly. If you want to play winning poker then it’s time to get a pen.

Get a pen and a pad of paper. On the top write “I ALWAYS FOLD…” then write the following. You have to write this out. Reading it is pointless. If you really want to burn it into your brain then you can write the list twice. As you write each hand THINK about it.

If you decide you aren’t going to ALWAYS fold some particular hand then you better have a fantastic reason why, and you better be able to create a strategy for playing that hand in about 15 different scenarios. Otherwise, just convince yourself that you will always fold it for the next couple months – while you’re becoming a winning player. Then, if you want, you can add it back into your starting hands with purpose and with a plan of action for the hand.

Now keep writing “I always fold” for the rest of this list. It’s not every hand in poker, but it’s enough for what we’re doing right now. ‘s’ means Suited, ‘x’ means “any numeric card”. So KQs means “King Queen Suited” and Ax means “Ace plus any numeric card”.