Have you ever considered how Jesus succeeded on earth to the the mystical christ that His words and acts are...
You can begin your publicity efforts even before your un cours en miracles is published by sending out advance review...
Jesus Christ warned that there would be many "false jesus a gospel of love" in the last days. Traditionally, we...
Do you want to watch your favorite movie but it is not available on the cinema or video rental store?...
If you are looking for a movie experience that will take you to the next level, then movies in 3D...
Since the creation of the many movies about spiritual awakening hosting websites that have inundated the World Wide Web, many...
Many people don't realize that every movies about spiritual enlightenment tells a story, even if they understand there is a...
Action movies are these little gems in cinema that are gifts to great spiritual movies fans who are just looking...
The other day, I was watching a spiritual movies in a theater with some friends. It was supposed to be...
From August 26 to 27, 2010 I attended the Missional the mystical teachings of jesus Conference organized by NECF at Wisma Eagles,...